Covid19 Booking Guidelines

Pehiāweri Marae is committed  to protect the whakapapa of our whanau by encouraging and actively supporting the COVID19  vaccination drive and the COVID19 Protection Framework.  Record keeping / scanning is a requirement and the wearing of face covering (mask) is mandatory.

RED LIGHT Protocol from 3 Dec 2021

Tangihanga Protocol under the RED LIGHT SYSTEM

Tangihanga arrangements will determined around the vaccination status of those attending.  All arrangements will be made in consultation with the Pehiaweri Marae Tumu Whakarae, Chair and Secretary.  Please note the numbers set have been adapted to  reflect the capacity of the marae facilities

Tangihanga Vaccinated 

Contact or use the booking form on website

Once an enquiry is received, an initial korero with the whanau pani will be held to discuss and confirm arrangments and to ensure there is mutual understanding of Marae Komiti expectations and protocols under the Red Light system  Marae expectations will be outlined, including timeframes, costs, logistics and access to marae facilities.

Protocol includes:

  • Maximum of 40 People in urupa not including the Minita and Funeral Director.
  • No overnight stays
  • Wharenui and wharekai closed 
  • Whare paku open
  • Whanau attending will be required to present their vax pass verification.  
  • QR code recorded (Marae personnel will be present to manage the verification process)

Extra Surcharge fee

  • Vax Pass verification and QR code scanning costs
  • Sanitisation of areas used.

Tangihanga – some or all attending are Unvaccinated against Covid 19.

Contact or use the booking form on website

Once an enquiry is received by the Komiti, an initial korero with whanau pani will be held to ensure there is mutual understanding of Marae Komiti expectations and protocols for unvaccinated whanau under the Red Light system. Marae expectations will be outlined, including timeframes, costs, logistics and access to marae facilities.

Protocols includes:

  • Maximum of 10 people only, plus the Minita and Undertaker.
  • Access to the urupa only
  • Wharenui and wharekai closed
  • Whare paku open

Extra Surcharge fee:

  • QR code scanning and record of names and contact details managed by Marae personnel
  • Full sanitisation of areas used.

ORANGE LIGHT Protocol for Pehiāweri Marae – open to take bookings

or use the booking form on website 


Once an enquiry is received by the Komiti, an initial korero will be held to ensure there is mutual understanding on Marae Komiti expectations and protocols under the Orange Light system.

General Bookings

All attending are Vaccinated against Covid 19. 

  • One over-night only 40 people max (bring own pillow. Mattresses and sheet provided) based on 1m distancing.
  • Vax Pass verification required (Marae personnel to oversee)
  • QR code scanning

Extra Surcharge fee:

  • Vax Pass verification and QR code scanning by Marae personel
  • Full sanitisation of areas used.

Some or all attending are Unvaccinated against Covid 19

  • One over-night only 20 people max (bring own pillow. Mattresses and sheet provided).
  • QR code scanning and record of names and contact details managed by Marae personel

Extra surcharge fee:

  • to complete full sanitisation of wharenui, wharekai, and whare paku
  • to oversee QR scanning and / or record keeping by Marae personnel

Tangihanga Protocols

Once an enquiry is received by the Komiti, an initial korero with whanau pani will be held to ensure there is mutual understanding on Marae Komiti expectations and protocols for vaccinated whanau under the Orange Light system.

Tangihanga – those attending are all Vaccinated against Covid 19

  • 1 over-night only 40 people max (bring own pillow. Mattresses and sheet provided) based on 1m distancing.
  • Vax Pass verification required (Marae personnel to oversee)
  • QR code scanning

Extra Surcharge fee:

  • Vax Pass verification and QR code scanning by Marae personnel
  • Full sanitisation of areas used.

Tangihanga – some or all attending are Unvaccinated against Covid 19

  • 1 over-night only 20 people max (bring own pillow. Mattresses and sheet provided) based on 1m distancing.
  • QR code scanning and record of names and contact details managed by Marae personel

Extra Surcharge fee 

  • Full sanitisation of wharenui, wharekai, and whare paku
  • To oversee QR scanning and/or record keeping by Marae personnel

GREEN LIGHT Protocol for Pehiāweri Marae – open to take bookings

Contact or use the booking form on website

Once an enquiry is received by the Komiti, an initial korero will be held to ensure there is mutual understanding on Marae Komiti expectations and protocols under the Green Light system.

General Bookings

All attending are Vaccinated against Covid 19. 

o  Overnight only 40 people max (bring own pillow. Mattresses and sheet provided) based on 1m distancing.

o  Vax Pass verification required (Marae personnel to oversee)

o  QR code scanning

Extra surcharge fee:

o  Vax Pass verification and QR code scanning by Marae personnel

o   Full sanitisation of areas used.

Some or all attending are Unvaccinated against Covid 19

o  One over-night only 20 people max (bring own pillow. Mattresses and sheet provided).

o  QR code scanning and record of names and contact details managed by Marae personnel

Extra surcharge fee:

o to complete full sanitisation of wharenui, wharekai, and wharepaku

o  to oversee QR scanning and / or record keeping by Marae personnel

Tangihanga arrangements

Once an enquiry is received by the Komiti, an initial korero with whanau pani will be held to ensure there is mutual understanding on Marae Komiti expectations and protocols for vaccinated whanau under the Green Light system.

Tangihanga – those attending are all Vaccinated against Covid 19. 

o  Overnight only 40 people max (bring own pillow. Mattresses and sheet provided) based on 1m distancing.

o  Vax Pass verification required (Marae personnel to oversee)

o  QR code scanning

Extra surcharge fee:

o  Vax Pass verification and QR code scanning by Marae personnel

o  Full sanitisation of areas used.

Tangihanga – some or all attending are Unvaccinated against Covid 19

o  Overnight 20 people max (bring own pillow. Mattresses and sheet provided) based on 1m distancing.

o  QR code scanning and record of names and contact details managed by Marae personnel

Extra surcharge fee: 

  • to oversee QR scanning and / or record keeping by Marae personnel
  • Full sanitisation of wharenui, wharekai, and whare paku